Tuesday, August 19, 2008

family + pizza + outdoor fun

Last week, we had family from California up for a visit: my mom's sister Carol with her husband Keith & their kids, Natasha & Wyatt. We always enjoy spending time with them! We all had dinner on Thursday night at Roaring Rapids Pizza & they have a great carousel.

Finn squirmed & wiggled, telling me "no" while I strapped him onto the horse. But as soon as it started moving, he stopped wiggling & enjoyed the ride. He was ready the second time we rode. :)

Sadie on her white horse.

Ronan, Griffin & Gretchen chose a stationary sleigh for the first ride. After they knew what to expect, they rose horses the second ride. :)

Great photo of Cohen, by Becca!

Some of the whole group, enjoying our pizza outside, by the river on one of the hottest days of the year. It was nearly 100 degrees, but it was cooling off by dinner time + we were in the shade.

Natasha, Wyatt, Aunt Carol & Uncle Keith

Griffin flying SO high!

Finn & Cohen learning to play catch...or share? I love that Finn is in his ready position to catch the frisbee. He loves being active & playing with footballs or frisbees. Pretty funny, coming from two parents who never really had a serious interest in sports.

1 comment:

  1. great photos Katrina! I especially like the one of my sister and me (-; :-) and the ones of Finn at the Fair! Big mama is right!
    love and xxx
