Monday, March 2, 2009

3D ultrasound

I met with a doctor today who specializes in higher risk pregnancies. Since I've been diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes, he will be monitoring my blood sugar & the baby's growth. So to start things off, we got to see how baby #2 is doing through a 3D Ultrasound. Super cool, since we didn't get to do one with Finn!

We were pretty surprised at how well we could see his face. He looks so peaceful here...

This one, not so much. It's a little harder to see, but he looks pretty sad.

This one made our Ultrasound Tech laugh pretty hard. She said that in 7 years, she's never seen a baby look quite so sad. :P We figure he was feeling particularly squished...or maybe he just doesn't like being looked at? Who knows...hopefully, he'll be much happier in a couple months when we get to meet him in person. :)

The appointment went well & the doctor said my blood sugar numbers were looking good. The baby's growth was right on schedule. He was in the 55th percentile for size, so that's great. Since my body is not processing sugar correctly, all of the sugar goes straight to the baby. This increases the chance of the baby getting pretty big, but it all looks good so far. I was relieved & felt a little spoiled for getting to see such a long peek at our little boy. Makes 2 months seem like a long time to wait to meet him, but then again there is a lot to do to get ready for his arrival...

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