Wednesday, March 11, 2009

breathing treatment

Two nights ago, Finn had a really rough time going to bed because he was coughing so much. I always get a little nervous when a sickness interrupts sleep, so I called my dad to ask his advice. It's great to have a respiratory therapist in the family. :) Last night, my parents came by with a breathing machine to give Finn a treatment before bed.

Papa let Finn listen with the stethoscope.

Checking out the machine before the treatment began.

First try...

Kinda funny...

...but it tastes different.

Mama showing Finn how to take deep breaths.

We got him to take several deep breaths with a little incentive
(fruit snacks work well) :)

Visiting with Memaw & Papa. Finn's making a funny face, but he really seemed to be feeling better after his treatment. His cough sounded better & he had a much more peaceful night of sleep. Kenton & I slept much more soundly, too! :)


  1. I'm good to know the right people. :)

  2. Poor guy. I hope that he starts sleeping and feeling better :-(

  3. Poor little guy! I know exactly how you guys feel, we had to give Charis breathing treatments a couple of nights ago. I hope it keeps getting better.

  4. Is Finn better now? I'm sorry we're not there during his bad cold! ---Mummi
