Sunday, June 27, 2010

summer vacation

We've been trying to stay busy during my summer break, but sometimes it's great to be lazy in the mornings. We stay in our jammies & cuddle our blankets. :)

Of course, two boys can't be lazy for long. Here Cedar is in his favorite/the most dangerous place in the house. He loves to climb onto the fireplace & terrorize the top of the book shelf. :P

First harvest from the garden (other than lettuce): carrots & Early Purple broccoli

Finn ate them both at dinner, saying "Yum yum!" the whole time. I sure do love the effect of gardening with a child. He is so proud to harvest & eat the food we grew from seeds. I have to keep an eye on him, because he likes to harvest something everyday. But he's usually pretty good at asking first - or at least giving me some warning that he's about to pick something. :) I can't wait to see if he'll try some of the other foods we're growing - tomatoes, peppers, green beans, cucumbers, squash. I wouldn't be too surprised if he gobbled it ALL up! :)


  1. Yummy looking veggies! I am so excited for you.

  2. Thanks for inviting me to the tea. It was really fun and the food was delicious! You did great in the show!
