Friday, May 23, 2008

zany zoo

After a failed attempt to busy our boys (on a rainy day) at open gym, Gretchen & I made it to Zany Zoo! We drove out to Bounce Gymnastics on Willamette St. for their open gym to find it full! Have you ever heard of such a thing?! Apparently, on rainy days they recommend getting there 10 minutes early. So now we know. And so do you. :) We tried to think of other fun play areas to use but ended up driving out to W. 11th to get a peek at some unique animals. The kids were such troopers & had a blast checking out all of the snakes, lizards, birds, bunnies, guinea pigs, turtles, kittens, puppies, & 1 lemur (we think). Finn even let one of the puppies lick his finger, which made Ronan a little nervous. :) He was fine though - just a few puppy kisses. I'm glad we managed to find something fun for the kids to do.

Afterwards, Finn & I went & picked up Kenton to have lunch together. We went to the 5th St Public Market & had slices of pizza at Marché Provisions. After we ordered, we were eying their sandwiches made to order....yummmm. :P They had some yummy sounding fixings from their deli. We'll have to try that next time.


  1. It is so awesome that you and Gretchen have children who are all around the same age group! Finn must have so much fun!

  2. whst a fun outing! I bet the kids had more fun with the creatures than you imagined! great idea and photos too!
    <3 mom/memaw

  3. Fun stuff!

    I love your Adalie letters and the painting for the Millers. I'm so impressed with your creativity!

