Monday, September 1, 2008

playing catch-up: cars, parks + "backhoes"

I've been getting behind a bit on the daily happenings of the Henry household. Sorry. I have a good excuse. I have been on vacation after all. Anyway, here is a bundle of photos from the last week or so that I didn't want to leave out. Enjoy! :)

One of Finn's favorite things to do at the mall is hang out in the coin operated ice cream truck. We don't actually put any money in it...we just pretend. :)

His other favorite places to go include the pet store, the food court & the playground.

We went to a playground near our house with Gretchen & her boys...almost 2 weeks ago. Ack! I'm so behind! This is Ronan being some kind of creature.

Griffin trying to climb up high like his big brother!

Kenton acting like the little kids. :)

Finn trying out the cool toys too. We all tried them out. It was a cool park!

Griffin taught Finn how to say underdog! Finn still says "gog" for dog, so his underdog sounds more like "gun-ger-gog!" I gladly oblige to such a sweet request!

Later that afternoon, we had Sandy, Nicole & Addi over for games, dinner & fun at the park. I was trying to get a good photo of Finn's static-hair after going down the slide but I was a little off center. Pretty silly expression though. :)

So sweet. Baby + Mama.

She really is just the sweetest little thing!

Getting a ride on the teeter-totter with Dad & Sandy.

On Friday of that week (8/22), we had dinner with Kenton's family + Deanna & Melanie Henry (who visited again on their way back to the airport) at Olive Garden. Everyone worked together to keep Finn entertained while we waited for our table to be ready.

He did a great job in the restaurant too! One of our better experiences eating out. It is not always easy or relaxing, but he did really well.

We live near a series of ponds that are being developed into a safer, public nature area. I don't know if it will technically be a city park, but they are adding access roads & making the banks less steep, adding in native plants & protecting the turtle nesting areas. Good news for us. Especially when there are bulldozers & excavators to check out!

Of course, Finn still calls all construction vehicles backhoes (or "at-oh").

Little boy heaven!

We really love living so close to the ponds & open fields. We'll miss it if our house ends up selling...and we'll enjoy the new & improved area if our house doesn't sell! Still nothing happening for sure in the house-selling arena, but prayers are welcome. :)


  1. Wow! Finn is one lucky boy! He gets to go to parks and sit in backhoes! You guys are such awesome parents!

  2. Glad you guys had a great trip! I love the pictures of Finn and the 'back....o' :)
