Friday, December 11, 2009


We celebrated Thanksgiving with Kenton's family on Thanksgiving day. Often we celebrate with two dinners in one day, but this year my family celebrated on Friday. We enjoyed spreading out the yummy dinners! :)

Cedar (almost 7 months old!) & Mummi

Brian & Kenton

Erik & my mom joined us for dinner; my dad was taking his turn working Thanksgiving day at the hospital.

Of course, I forgot to get any photos of the food until after we'd eaten. I contributed candied yams, chocolate cream cheese pie & a mini blackberry pie (with extra pie dough from my sweet meat pie). Outi made the rest & it was all so delicious! I love this holiday! :)

An after dinner table shot. It looked so nice with all the pretty plates & glasses, as you can imagine. :)

We finished the evening off with cranberry margaritas (plus a virgin version for Finn). They were really tasty & I don't even care for tequila. :P

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