Saturday, October 9, 2010

apple daze

On Saturday, October 2nd, we went to Detering Orchard for their Apple Daze celebration! This was a bit of a rough event for Finn. This photo was just after getting kicked in the head by a woman who was stepping over the kid's hay maze. :\

Cedar was busy eating his lunch as we watched Finn explore the maze.

Waiting for the wagon ride through the farm.

Carolyn, Finn, Jesse, Cedar & Kenton on the wagon

Our family
Cedar at 17 months, Finn at 3 & 11/12ths (almost) :P

This was just before Finn tripped (while getting off the wagon) & hit his chin on the metal hand rail. He split his chin open, but someone at the farm was quick to offer a band-aid. We were a little worried we'd have to head to Urgent Care, but the bleeding slowed down quickly & it turned out to be a small cut. Scary & sad, but we did manage to pick up some apples, veggies & a caramel apple (that was tricky to eat with an injured chin, but cheered up the boy nonetheless) before taking off. We also stopped by Johnson's Farm on the way home to check out their scarecrows & mummies! A lovely fall afternoon in Oregon...aside from the owies. ;)

1 comment:

  1. What fun, and what a beautiful day! Sorry we missed it!--Mummi
