Saturday, May 11, 2013

easter weekend

 On Saturday afternoon, we gathered at my parent's house to celebrate Easter.  We dyed eggs, ate dinner & had an egg hunt.

 The Murphy-Hecht family came down from Portland.  It's become a tradition to have their family join us for Easter.

 Cedar really enjoyed dying eggs this year.

 Focused kids!

 Taking his time.

 Looks like Kenton took a turn with the camera.  ;)

 Littlest cousin, Megan, with Aaron.

 My contribution to the Easter feast.

 On to the egg hunt!

 The kids were told to find up to a certain number of eggs & then stop looking, to let everyone get a fair share.  ;)

 Someone was too old to dye eggs but not too old to hunt for them!  :P

 Checking out his eggs.

 Quick pause for a photo.  :)

 Yummy DQ ice cream cake, made by Becca.

 My handsome boys on Easter morning.

 Eight cousins, in age order.  


 Hecht girls.



 Our family.

18 1/2 weeks!  Almost halfway through this pregnancy.

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