Sunday, March 1, 2009

the beach

Carolyn carrying Finn to the water.

It's kind of sad, but this was Finn's first trip to the beach since he was about 8 months old (when we stopped for a quick visit in San Francisco). We're bad parents. But he definitely enjoyed it yesterday...

Carolyn & Jacque found a slimy, jelly creature that was probably dead. Stu was brave enough to pick it up. It was gross.

Digging with Jesse.

Jacque & Stu

All 7 of us, again. I propped the camera on some rocks & am quite impressed that it turned out so nicely. I'm also impressed that I managed to scramble off the rocks in time to make it into the shot...all at 7 1/2 months pregnant! :P

The weather was dry & there wasn't very much wind. The clouds looked a little threatening, but we didn't get rained on. It was a great day at the Oregon Coast!

Jacque & Finn - both looking so cute!

Carolyn & Jesse - also looking so cute. :P

Our growing family.
Kenton (27 1/2), Finn (2 1/4), Katrina (27 1/2)

My growing tummy (30 weeks)

The girls.
Carolyn, Jacque & Katrina

1 comment:

  1. It was definitely a fun day...much more fun than the lazy sitting around Stu and I would probably have done! I'll have to put up my pictures too!
