Sunday, March 1, 2009

oregon coast aquarium

Yesterday, we took our friend Jesse up on the offer to go to the Oregon Coast Aquarium with free passes from work. Kenton & I had gone about a year ago but we didn't get to bring Finn then. So we were really excited to share this experience with him. Our friends were excited to share it with Finn too; Carolyn, Jesse, Stu & Jacque all came with us! It was a lot of fun!

Finn was excited from the moment we walked into the Aquarium - he saw rocks & a waterfall first & thought that was the coolest! But there was so much more to see...
Dad lifting Finn way up high so he could see the sea lions & seals during their feeding time. There were lots of people there but Finn soon figured out that he could easily push to the front without being in anyone's way. :) It's good to be a kid.

We watched the sea lions swimming below the water for a while too. Finn loved seeing them zoom by - especially the BIG one!

One of the coolest sights was the Passages of the Deep exhibit. Finn had been talking about the "Shark House" for the past 3 days, so he was super ready to see the sharks. Much to our surprise, we also got to see a bunch of divers in each of the tanks! They were cleaning the glass & were very friendly & silly with the kids.

It was quite difficult to get Finn to look at the camera for even a moment. There were so many other cool things to look at! :)


Finn spent several minutes laying on the floor, looking through the glass at the sharks. Again, it's good to be a kid! :)

Jesse, Carolyn, Jacque, Stu & Kenton - enjoying Finn & the sharks.

Kenton & me with a shark zooming by overhead.

Finn the diver!

All 7 of us.

There are so many neat features for the kids to explore.
Finn & Kenton in a crawl-through tank.

Touching a little brown shark! So cool!

Sea anemones! What a great experience. Finn loved it & didn't want to leave...but we had more exploring scheduled for our day... ;)

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