Saturday, June 19, 2010

corvallis with monica

On Thursday, I drove up to Corvallis with the boys to meet up with my friend Monica & her baby Adam. It was our first time meeting each others' boys, which shows how LONG it's been since we've seen each other. But it was as if no time had passed. We had a great time & had plenty to catch up on. :)

We ate lunch at American Dream Pizza - a local favorite that I've been missing! :)

Then we let the kids play at Central Park.

Adam is just about 6 weeks younger than Cedar. They enjoyed watching each other...

...& watching Finn! :P

After playing, we packed up & walked through the Oregon State University campus - Monica & I both attended OSU, but at different times. We walked over to the animal sciences area to look for cows & sheep...

...then made a stop at Finley Hall! Kenton lived in this dorm when I met him & it is definitely part of the reason why we chose the name Finley (I already had liked the name Finn, so it just made sense). :)

After a quick snack break & one more chance to run around in the grass, we loaded back into the car & said good bye. We'll definitely try to get together again soon...Monica lives in the Portland area with her husband Ben, so it's really not THAT far away. :) Thanks for coming down to Corvallis, Monica & Adam. We had a great time!

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