Saturday, June 26, 2010

father's day

This year, my parents were in Kauai on Father's day, so we had to do a quick little celebration with my dad on Friday, before he left.

The boys helped me deliver gifts for Papa: Cosmo's Caramel Corn variety pack & an underwater camera for his trip.

Me & my Papa

Papa & us.
My boys sure do love their Papa. It's been so special for them to have so much time with him while I work. Finn can work all day outside "helping" Papa in the yard & Cedar reaches for him when he sees him. I love the bond they're building with their Papa.

On Sunday morning, Finn & I got up early to make Kenton a card. Finn helped draw an "alien dad" on the front & wrote some of the letters in his name. He also drew some "alien letters." :)

Helping Dad open his gift...

...a badminton set!
Something Kenton has talked about wanting since we bought a house with such a large backyard!

I made baked french toast for breakfast - kind of a big deal, since Kenton is the one who always has to make breakfast if he wants anything other than cereal (I'm a cereal girl, but I do appreciate when he makes breakfast).

So, Kenton got a break on Father's day & ate a "fancy" breakfast. :P It was quite tasty! We all enjoyed it.

After Finn & I went to church (Kenton stayed home while a sniffly Cedar napped), we went to Papa's Pizza for a free pizza for dads. We also ended up making pizza on the barbeque for dinner. Pizza for lunch & pizza for dinner - Kenton's kind of day!

We tried a new frozen yogurt place in town called Vanilla Jill's after dinner.

Finn liked his vanilla cone with sprinkles!

Proof to Finn that he has green eyes. He insists that his eyes are brown. :)

Proof that I was there. :)

Happy Father's Kenton! You are such a great dad for our boys. We love you so much & appreciate all of your love & hard work. You tell great stories & are always striving to be better at all that you do. I'm so glad we get to raise our kids together! :)

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