Monday, July 5, 2010

science factory

Finn has been wanting to visit a museum & wanting to invite his cousins, so on Wednesday (June 30th) we met up with Aunt Gretchen, Memaw, Papa, all of the cousins & Aunt Becca (a little later) at the Science Factory.

We got there a few minutes early, so we took some pictures in front of the brightly colored building.

The boys were wearing such colorful shirts that they blended into the building quite well! :)

Car ramps

Under the sea creatures

Ball maze? I can't remember what this one was. :)

Griffin & Cohen making some balls float in the air!

Cool light table

Finn had so much fun that he asks every day if we can go back to the Science Factory. Maybe we should have bought that membership! I'm sure we'll be back soon, so we'll have another chance. :P So glad all the cousins were able to make it...even if I didn't include all of their pictures. :\ Thanks for joining us!

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