Monday, July 5, 2010

garden update

This week, I bought some more tomato & pepper plants, because the ones I started from seed still weren't growing. So weird! I was told to baby the Roma tomatoes, so I wrapped our ladder in plastic to function as a little green house for my babies. :)

Finn really wanted to harvest a carrot & I was resistant. I didn't have plans to use it for a meal, but when we peeked into the dirt to see if it was big enough, it appeared to be huge! The top was pretty fat, but it wasn't quite as long as I'd hoped. Either way, it's the biggest carrot we've harvested to date. :)

Finn is especially excited about the pepper plant we bought that already has a pepper growing. I must say, I'm excited about this one too! :)

And I've convinced Finn to keep waiting to harvest our biggest broccoli. He wants to pick it so bad, but I want to see how big it will get before it tries to flower.


  1. Your garden looks great. It is soooo hard not to harvest your veggies early. My daughter wants to pick everything the minute it appears in the garden.

  2. It is very clever to make a greenhouse out of a ladder and plastic--well done! I have some of my plants under plastic as well, but that will change as it is supposed to get quite warm this week.

  3. Looking good! I agree - it's hard to be patient enough to wait until everything is ready to pick!

  4. Stoppin' by from GPT. Your garden is really coming a long. We just harvested potatoes, onions and green beans in ours and I get anxious to start cooking/baking with them. happy gardening.

  5. Love the picture of your son with the carrot! My guy is exactly the same way. I don't know how many carrots he has picked "just to check" if they are ready or not. :o)

  6. Welcome to the Tuesday Garden Party- so glad you linked up, especially being a local gal. :-) See that you're from Grace, as well- we used to attend there and taught 4yr old SS for a few years.

    And that carrot looks perfect - some varieties don't get long, so when they reach the length they're supposed to be, they get fatter (and if you don't pick them, they'll split!), so your little guy was spot on!
