Tuesday, July 6, 2010

skinner's butte

Finn has been excited by the idea of hiking & wanted to invite some friends. So we made plans with the Green family to meet for a picnic before hiking Skinner's Butte.

Amy, Ethan, Kenton & Finn
Cute smiles from the adults... :P

Finn, Cedar, Katrina, Macey & Emma

The group, minus Kenton but including Jon with a camera covering his face. :P

The 3 1/2 year olds
This particular hike is perfect for kids because it's pretty short & not very difficult. But it still wore the kids out. :)

We saw a gray squirrel up close

At the top!

The view of our city

Cedar leaned for most of the hike & wanted out. He was happier while we were moving.

Downtown Eugene
We live in a pretty city!

Self portrait

Our family
Finn (3 1/2), Katrina, Kenton & Cedar (14 months)

The Green Family
Amy, Jon, Emma (21 months), Macey & Ethan (3 1/2)

Are these sweet peas?

On the way back down, a fellow hiker pointed out a bald eagle's nest. There are two parents watching over two babies that just learned to fly. Further down the butte, one of the babies landed in a tree near us. Apparently, it can take several years before the eagles get their white heads. We were pretty amazed at the site of this baby; it certainly was not small. It was probably between 18 to 24 inches tall! We saw lots of nature for a pretty small hike. Very cool!

Thanks for joining us, Greens! We'll have to do it again. :)

1 comment:

  1. What a fun day! We had a great time hiking with you guys! We will definitely have to do it again! You got some great pictures, Katrina~ someday, when I get caught up on my blog, I'll post the ones I took that day, too! lol!
