Wednesday, July 16, 2008

more signs of summer

Queen Anne's Lace always makes me feel like it's summer in Oregon. It is especially easy to find in random fields that haven't been recently mowed. ;)

My Passion Flower finally bloomed! I have had this particular plant for 4 years & this is the first time it has flowered! Yay! My mom planted these for our wedding (almost 6 years ago) & gave me a potted one (from the original plant) when we moved to Eugene. I'm amazed because: a. it's still alive after 4 years & b. it finally flowered. So pretty!

Also, one of my favorite signs of summer is hydrangea blossoms.

Kenton gave me two hydrangea bushes when I was pregnant with Finn. So this is the 3rd season that we've been able to see them flower. Definitely one of my favorite flowers. :)

Jesse took this last photo. He was playing with the lighting in our living room & captured a sweet moment. (Not exactly a sign of summer, but I'm including it anyway.) My boy has his cuddly moments & I can never get enough. I love that he takes time to stop & be calm with Mama, every so often. :)


Jax said...

You are so patient with your plants! I was just telling Stu that I discovered that I loved the way all the blue hydrandea look around town but that I would never be able to wait for them to bloom and it would make me sad that they were only bushes for so long...I am not a patient person ;-)

And your passion flower is so pretty! I didn't know that your mom planted that for your wedding. That is really cool!

Samantha said...

I love those moments with Charis, but they are rare. I really like the way you arranged your living room - it is different since we were there.

Jesse and Carolyn said...

I love the flowers! And the rocks in the last post. You guys sure have a lot of fun! Have a great weekend and birthday!

Gretchen Ruddick said...

Hooray for Passion Flower blooms!

Samantha said...

Forgot to mention, I love your passion vine. It is a native texas plant so I have a bunch in the Butterfly garden, but your blooms are beautiful! Worth the wait.

Anonymous said...

Is your passion vine fruit-bearing? After being frustrated by the lack of fresh passion fruit around here, we finally got a passion fruit vine this spring, and it seems to be growing really well so far! We've had some nice flowers for the last couple of months, and we're hoping that we get some fruit this year (I guess the passion fruit season is Sept-March or so). Anyway, I love the flowers -- very unique and beautiful. :)